Luka Urushibara's mother receives a D-Mail to her pager with a weird sequence, “2929831831”
Okabe succeeds to send a D-Mail
The Y2K Crash occurs successfully on this worldline. Okabe and Mayuri are split from one another after their parents both died in a plane crash caused by the Y2K panic.
Okabe joins the Rounders. Later on, he saves Moeka Kiryu from a suicide attempt and recruits her as part of the Rounders.
Suzuha Amane is hunted by the Okabe of this worldline and the Rounders due to her involvement in the Valkyrie resistance group. She is nearly killed several times and sustains a serious injury to the back, resulting in a large scar.
By 2036, the Rintaro Okabe of this worldline has joined the leading ranks of the Committee of 300, occasionally also referred to as the Illuminati. He rules as the dictator of Japan under the name Hououin Kyouma.