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Kurisu Makise (牧瀬 紅莉栖 Makise Kurisu?) is the daughter of Shouichi Makise, a genius girl who graduated from university at the age of seventeen, and a member of the neuroscience laboratory of Viktor Chondria University and the Future Gadget Lab.

Kurisu is one of the main characters of Steins;Gate, a major posthumous character in Steins;Gate 0 and being referenced in Chaos;Child.


Kurisu Full profile

Kurisu full profile.

Kurisu is a slender young woman with waist-length, reddish hair, and dull violet eyes. Her hair, which she prefers to let loose, ranges in ginger shades all the way from mahogany to auburn. The hair color differs considerably in the anime (red) from the original VN (chestnut). The part of her name "Kuri" means chestnut, and so her hair color is most likely to resemble the color of a chestnut.

She has an unusual sense of fashion, with her outfit being composed of a white long-sleeved blue-rimmed dress shirt with a red necktie. Her shirt is tucked into a pair of black shorts on top of black tights, held up by a white belt with a gold buckle. Her red tie hangs loosely around her collar, and she wears a loose khaki jacket that covers her upper thighs, and has black and white straps at the end of both sleeves and the rim which are used to keep the entire jacket on her arms. She also wears a pair of black boots which are partially unzipped and folded down.

Once "recruited" into the Future Gadgets laboratory, Okabe gave her Daru's white lab coats that he never uses and is often seen wearing one while in-lab. Like Okabe, Kurisu is interested in lab coats.


Kurisu is generally a sensible, serious mature young woman, usually calm and collected even when someone is acting tense in front of her. However, she can also show a much more timid side at times. She is shown frequently to hate being nicknamed, as she dislikes all of the names that Okabe gives her, with 'The Zombie' bugging her most of all. Ironically, on the rare occasions Okabe uses her real name, she takes it as a sign that something is seriously wrong. Kurisu is also practical and a realist, almost to a fault; initially, she believes firmly that time machines are fiction and refuses to believe the Phonewave is one even after seeing it in action, claiming that Okabe had simply seen what he wanted to see. It takes the group's looking up SERN's research about time travel to finally convince Kurisu of the truth. However, in Steins;Gate 0, she doesn't deny the possibility of time machines and will build one herself if she had the materials.

Mature as she is, Kurisu is very sarcastic, and often expresses this through her interactions with Okabe and Daru, the former due to his eccentricities and frequent insensitivity and the latter due to his perverted remarks. Apart from these two, she is quite friendly with anyone as long they don't do inappropriate actions and constantly engage in petty arguments, particularly Mayuri, whom she instantly takes a liking to in contrast to the male members of the lab. In general, how Kurisu treats others depends largely on how they treat her; she sometimes says disrespectful things to respectful people, but she is usually kind. She has been described as a tsundere by Okabe and Daru time and time again, though she is shown to be annoyed whenever someone calls her that, usually by doing something that ironically ends up proving their point.

Kurisu says that she is not good at sports, but she loves swimming. More than liking the pool itself, she likes the feeling of floating in water. Kurisu describes it like you have been released from gravity, like a load has been taken off your muscles. Swimming puts Kurisu in a good mood, to the point that when Okabe calls her "Assistant", she does not retort towards the name. Kurisu can swim very well, despite Okabe's beliefs in that everyone was a "hikikomori".

Though she is hesitant to admit it, she is a frequent user of the text board @Channel, donning the identity "KuriGohan and Kamehameha". Okabe likes to trick her into admitting this habit, much to her chagrin. When posting on @channel her personality is noticeably different, as she often uses Netspeak or emoticons to communicate and her posts are generally much less mature than her usual dialogue.

Her accomplishments in spite of her youth have exposed Kurisu to the jealousy of those who consider themselves her superiors. This includes her own father, who despises her for overshadowing him and causing his fall into obscurity. This is the reason behind her acerbic attitude, which she adopted as a defence mechanism to hide her vulnerabilities. At heart, Kurisu is a very curious girl who loves science and can not resist an interesting experiment. She occasionally makes statements - for example, that data collection should be considered before a subject's privacy - that have led Okabe to dub her a fellow mad scientist, much to her annoyance.


The Death of Kurisu Makise

On July 28th, Dr. Nakabachi organized a conference, but was denounced by Okabe Rintarou. Before Rintarou could make any more fuss in the conference, he is pulled away by Kurisu Makise, who claimed to have bumped into him 15 minutes earlier. Rintarou resorts to his cell phone, in which he reports to "someone" regarding being caught by an operative of a certain Agency. Kurisu manages to snatch his cell phone and discovers that it is turned off. In response, Rintarou just gives a farewell remark and sprints downstairs. She is later found by Rintaro lying in a pool of blood, and Rintaro texts Itaru about it.

However, later, at the Dai-building, Rintaro meets her, apparently in perfect health. He "examines" her in an attempt to verify that she is actually alive, which came off to her as sexual harassment. There was a brief argument until Kurisu has to begin the lecture. At the beginning of the seminar, she claims that time machines are impossible, resulting in Rintaro challenging her claim, and she turns the lecture into a discussion.

Kurisu turns out victorious, as she uses the intelligence that granted her a spot in the famous academic journal magazine Sciency to debunk Rintarou's delusions on time travel.

Future Gadget #4

July 29, 2010

She crept into the Future Gadget Lab with the help of Itaru to investigate the Phone Microwave (temporary name) and witness a banana being turned into green gel as a result of Future Gadget experiments. Kurisu's sudden appearance at Rintarou's "secret headquarters" starts yet another confrontation between the two. Kurisu then introduces herself once again and reaches out her hand to Rintarou, who reluctantly refuses the handshake, upon his thoughts of Kurisu's killing intent.

Kurisu's original purpose for coming is to confirm Rintarou's allegations of her having been killed as true, but the gel banana she saw has shifted her focus.

The trio then begins investigations into the Phone Microwave.

Kurisu has also tried to research about the IBN 5100, and discovers that, like Rintarou explained earlier, the IBN 5100 can in fact analyze special programming languages. Rintarou soon contacts Ruka about an old computer possibly located at the shrine where he is staying, and later receives a call from Kurisu. It turns out that Kurisu wants to meet up with Rintarou once again, and after the brief call, Rintarou is joined by Kurisu at Yanabanashi Shrine. The duo bicker over carrying the 24-kg personal computer all the way from the shrine to the lab. Suzuha notices Kurisu and she suddenly changes, her eyes fixed at Kurisu like a predator discovering prey. Luckily, Mr. Tennouji has unexpectedly stopped a commotion from happening, but it alarms Kurisu a bit.

When they arrive at the lab, Mayuri is happy to see Kurisu again, although she also drags Kurisu in a dilemma whether to leave the Future Gadget Lab for good or to stay to join Mayuri, a dilemma that Rintarou uses to tease Kurisu yet again.

Nonetheless, with Itaru's interest with the IBN 5100 rising, Kurisu decides to proceed with analyzing the vintage computer.

Later, Mayuri has tried inviting Kurisu to the fireworks event, but she hesitantly refuses. As Itaru tinkers on the IBN 5100, Kurisu and Rintarou talk to each other. Out of curiosity, Kurisu tries out Rintarou's lab coat, and seeing another person in a lab coat has overjoyed Rintarou, since he has tried presuading Itaru and Mayuri into wearing lab coats as well, to no avail.

Soon, Kurisu eats dinner at the lab — a bowl of cup ramen — and plays a certain trading card game with Rintarou, which she enjoys defeating Rintarou in.

Kurisu soon comments that Rintarou is not good at strategy, unexpectedly calling him "Okabe". This causes Rintarou to shout at her face and remind her that she should call him "Hououin" or "Kyouma". He did not notice that he just made Kurisu cry, and even Itaru, busy with his IBN 5100, knows what is going on.

August 1, 2010.

Itaru retrieves SERN's report includes the creation of a utopia and the use of space-time travel to achieve it. However, it involves human experimentation, much to Kurisu's shock. The trio decides to dig deeper and stumbles upon the reports of human experimentation.

Rintarou sees it as a challenge. He plans to continue with the project using the Phone Microwave (temporary name) in creating a machine that surpasses that of SERN. He warns that Kurisu should stay out of their plans to keep her safe, but Kurisu refuses.

August 2, 2010

The Lab decide to test Kurisu's hypothesis by attempting to send a D-mail from Kurisu’s phone to Okabe’s, as well as to create a gel-banana using a banana from one of Mayuri’s bunches. Kurisu makes another discovery.

August 3, 2010 

Rintarou's first plan in changing the past is… winning the lottery. Kurisu thinks that his plan is lame, and this angers Rintarou.

However, at the start of another experiment with D-mail, Rintarou appears to be having fun with Kurisu.

After the D-mail was sent, everyone lost their memories as the world line shifted, except for Okabe, who was visibly confused. Kurisu deduced that Okabe had used the Phone Microwave immediately.

Kurisu is against doing the experiments. Okabe comments that she was all for the experiments this past afternoon. When Daru asks when this happened, Kurisu realizes that Okabe has already changed the past using a D-mail.

Kurisu asks why Okabe has been able to retain his memories. Okabe notes that he, according to John Titor, possibly has the ability to keep his memories as he crosses world lines. Okabe dubbed the ability “Reading Steiner.”

Okabe and Kurisu go to the local park to discuss the matter at hand further. Okabe suggests that Kurisu should send the next D-mail, but she refuses. She says changing the past feels unfair: she doesn’t desire to change anything that’s made her who she is today. Okabe turns the tables on her, saying that, like a mad scientist, she’d rather watch others take risks while she sits back and watches.

August 4, 2010

After Moeka sends a D-mail as part of Lab experiments, the world line shifted and nobody knew who Moeka is except for Okabe. Kurisu discerns from Okabe’s actions that they sent another D-mail.

Later in the day, we see Okabe and Kurisu on the roof, talking about the last D-mail and its effects.

August 5, 2010

Another D-mail experiment is conducted. Ruka wants to send a D-mail to make him a girl. This confuses Kurisu, who still thinks Ruka is a girl. Okabe tells her to find out for herself, which she does, leaving her utterly dumbfounded.

August 6, 2010

As Okabe heads to the rooftop to dry some laundry, he sees Kurisu arguing with someone over the phone. Kurisu quickly heads back downstairs, and soon confronts Rintarou, pointing out that she is not crying, although it is clear that she is upset. Eventually, Kurisu sits beside Rintarou and breaks down on Mayuri's Oopa pillow.

Although Rintarou couldn't think of what to do for Kurisu at that moment, he tells her that he can listen to her sorrows anytime as someone important to him.

Pessimistic about the Phone Microwave in its current status, Kurisu wants Okabe to handle its current issues for the meantime. Rintarou stubbornly refuses, finding that task boring, and the disappointed Kurisu leaks her inner "neler" (i.e., @channeler) to Daru and Okabe.

Rintarou realized that the IBN 5100 is gone. Kurisu then explains that the Butterfly Effect was the explanation for such major changes, and one of the well-recognized risks in changing the past.

Rintarou then asks about the current whereabouts of the IBN 5100. Kurisu corrects the question: "Where was it?"

In another phone wave experiment, Feiris prepares her message and asks Rintarou to send to ten years into the past, and refuses to divulge its contents despite Rintarou's requests. After being pressured to leave the message to Feiris, Rintarou endures the next few minutes being hung up by Kurisu, who is supposed to handle the Phone Microwave.

Okabe is forced to act polite just for Kurisu to operate the Phone Microwave.

August 8, 2010

Back at the lab with Mayuri, Ruka, Kurisu and Daru, Okabe reflects on the fact that, though the past has changed, the relationships between the lab members haven’t.

While looking at a cosplay magazine with Ruka, Mayuri suggests that they should all plan a trip to the beach. Kurisu agree, but only if it’s a girls-only trip. Okabe comments that--among other things--if it’s for girls only, Ruka would be left out because he’s a guy. However, what he says shocks everyone. Ruka even starts to cry. Upon inspection, though, he quickly finds that he is wrong and that Ruka is, in fact, a girl. He is then promptly smacked by Kurisu with a book. Afterwards, Kurisu forced him to sit on his knees for an hour.

August 9, 2010

The two finally make it back to the lab, where Kurisu and Ruka have begun cooking. Kurisu, in particular, is making an apple pie.

However, due to simultaneous use of future gadgets tripped the circuit breaker.

While trying to move around in the darkness, Kurisu tells Okabe about her laboratory in America, and how she feels more at home in this lab. Okabe tells her that he made the lab because he wanted friends. Kurisu tells him that it worked, because she considers him to be a friend. During their conversation, someone turns the lights back on, revealing how close Okabe and Kurisu were to one another.

August 10, 2010

Okabe proposes sending humans back in time. Kurisu refuses, but decides to substitute humans with memories. She notes that she will need many parts, which Okabe proceeds to buy.

Okabe saw what Kurisu was doing on Daru's computer and uncovered that she posts on forums and blogs regularly, much to Kurisu's embarrassment. Okabe converses with Kurisu about the Time Leap Machine. Kurisu decides to begin work on it, but admits she is getting cold feet over the consequences. She then decides to confess something to him. They head to the park, where Kurisu mentions how she and her father are not on the best of terms. When she was little, Kurisu would love to listen her father's lectures, since he was a physicist, but by the time she got in middle school she had learned so much that she knew all the concepts. She then began publishing her own scientific papers and met with critical acclaim. At first, her father was enthusiastic and the two regularly exchanged work. However, when Kurisu began to critique his papers to the point of correcting their flaws, he became enraged, saw her as a rival, and dropped all contact with her, then proceeded to abuse his wife and peers. She now fears her father will react negatively to her making the machine, but will proceed out of interest. Okabe tells her that he will help reconcile Kurisu's broken relationship by using the device, to which she accepts.

Mayuri is later seen carrying two heavy bags, but due to the stress she briefly drops them and begins walking aimlessly. At the lab, Kurisu begins complaining about Okabe has just eaten pudding that she had labeled "Makise" to show it was hers. Okabe says he ate it because it didn't say "Christina" just as Mayuri walks in. She explains that she has brought all of the cosplay and sleepover stuff she had planned to bring with Kurisu, and figured she would come to the lab since Kurisu was probably going to be spending the night there anyways. Kurisu says it's okay as long as Okabe leaves due to the pudding incident, resulting in more bickering. Later, Okabe is reluctantly out shopping for food for the sleepover while Kurisu and Mayuri are back at the lab.

August 13, 2010

The time leap machine has been completed. Kurisu explains how it works, pointing out that they need a human subject to test and see it it actually works. However, Okabe declares that they will go public with the machine instead of experimenting with it on their own. Mayuri, Kurisu, and Daru agree with his decision.

Later, Okabe and Kurisu go shopping for the Lab's upcoming “development conference.” Kurisu expresses her relief that they called off the experiment.

After an embarrassing conversation during their trip, the two make it back to the Lab. Daru is already there, and Mayuri then shows up, along with Suzuha. Sparks fly as Suzuha and Kurisu get into an argument; Okabe tries to stop them, but it's Mayuri who calms everyone down.

Later in the night, Moeka storms the room with 5 armed men and declares that SERN is confiscating their time machine, as well as taking Okabe, Kurisu, Daru into custody. When Okabe asks about Mayuri's welfare, Moeka says she is “unnecessary” and shoots Mayuri in the head.

Suzuha noticed the commotion and created a window of opportunity for Kurisu to boot up the Time-leap machine for Okabe. Just as Okabe was time-leaping, Kurisu is shot in the back.

In an attempt to prevent Mayuri's death, Okabe locks Kurisu and Daru out of the lab, frankly telling them to get out of the city. It failed. Okabe time-leaped again.

Once more in the lab room with Kurisu and Daru, Okabe, frustrated and fed-up, goes to break the Time Leap Machine, but Kurisu stops him, saying they had already decided not to use it. He then leaves the Lab, and, after a brief and fruitless talk with Ruka, a saddened Okabe takes refuge on an overpass, where Kurisu finds him.

Some time passes, and Okabe explains the situation to Kurisu. The two decide to work together to save Mayuri from her seemingly-fated death. To give them more time to figure out a solution, Kurisu sends Okabe back about 5 hours into the past. She also gives him a phrase to tell her past-self to convince her that Okabe is indeed from the future.

Okabe finds himself in the Lab, mere seconds away from when the Time Leap Machine was completed. Going along with their plan, Okabe declares the lab members that they will not experiment with the Time Leap Machine. Later on, he meets up with Kurisu and reveals that he is from the future.

After convincing Kurisu that he's telling the truth, the two go to the Lab to come up with a way to save Mayuri. They deduce that there is an underlying cause for Mayuri's death, separate from the involvement of Moeka and the Rounders.

Suzuha takes Okabe and Kurisu to where the satellite crashed into the Radio Building. She there reveals to both of them an astonishing truth. It is revealed that Suzuha is from the year 2036, that she is the time traveler John Titor. Suzuha then explains that SERN got the resources by using their time machine to make the Butterfly Effect bend to their own will. She also says that one person helped them monopolize time: Kurisu - "mother of the time machine", explaining why Suzuha reacts oddly around her. Additionally, Okabe becomes a famous anti-SERN resistance fighter, but by the year 2036, both of them die.

August 11, 2010

Kurisu mentions that it's impossible to fix the time machine with current technology, but Okabe forces Daru to do it in 48 hours with the reward of a date with Faris. Okabe then has Kurisu go back to the lab to get the phone wave, but Mayuri starts complaining that Suzuha never got to meet her dad.

August 13, 2010

Mayuri died again, which forced Okabe to time-leap once again seeks Kurisu’s help. On the roof, they discuss what needs to be done in order to jump from the Alpha Attractor Field to a Beta world line, as Suzuha had told them. It requires them to hack into SERN and delete all data the organization has on the Lab. The IBN 5100 is needed to hack into SERN.

Kurisu theorizes that, since undoing the D-Mail sent to Suzuha delayed Mayuri’s death, undoing all the time-altering D-Mails in reverse order could return them to a world line where they have the IBN. Not knowing if it’ll work or not, Okabe decides to take the chance and time-leaps, deciding to undo the D-mails that have been sent.

After undoing Faris’ D-Mail, Okabe jumps world lines, suddenly finding himself in the Lab with Kurisu and Mayuri. Faris, now back to her previous May Queen self, appears behind him. Okabe is in shock, and when Kurisu warns him about his weird behavior, Faris tells them that she and Okabe fought dark forces together in a previous lifetime.

At the lab, Okabe sits solemnly on the sofa. This provokes Kurisu to joke that he looks so down all of a sudden, much to his chagrin. Mayuri then comes in and shouts at Okabe for making Ruka cry, having invited her to come to the lab only for her to burst into tears over Okabe's "comment". Kurisu promptly gets on his case, so Okabe takes her to the park and explains the entire situation. Kurisu initially doesn't believe it, but does when she realizes that the next scenario might be Daru looking like her. She then suggests that, since Okabe knows what the text said, he can undo it himself since Ruka wouldn't possibly want to go back to being a boy, but Okabe says that he doesn't know the pager's number and would rather not be so underhanded. Kurisu then says that the real reason Ruka doesn't want to go back is because she has a crush on Okabe.

When Okabe gets there, Ruka tells Okabe that she believes him, but asks him a favor: before sending the D-mail, they have to go on a date the following day. Despite Okabe's dismay, he agrees in order for Ruka not to cry. Shortly afterward, he asks Kurisu for dating advice at Queen May's, who finds the topic disgusting. Okabe then admits that he is throwing caution to the wind by asking his assistant for dating advice but to not taunt him, and Kurisu again complains about the assistant label. This causes Faris to notice, and she asks who with (even suggesting it's Kurisu), before saying that "all this women chasing" will tamper with his "special technique". This leads to a innuendo-riddled debate between Okabe and Kurisu, which Daru ends up overhearing. At the lab, he tries to give Okabe dating advice by talking about all the girls he made out with on his online harem, but Okabe brushes him off. Okabe then tries to look up places to go out at, but concedes. This leads to a conversation between him and Kurisu over their virginity, during which Kurisu accidentally reveals she is also a virgin.

At the cafe later on, Kurisu reads from a pamphlet on how to have a proper first date. Based on what she reads, Okabe suggests wearing his lab coat and going to Queen May's, but Kurisu tells him to lose the coat and go somewhere else, leading to another argument; Daru then tries to get Okabe to read a hentai game strategy guide for advice before leaving. They end up debating ideas until the morning, at which point Kurisu forces Okabe into a suit. She then forces Daru to help her spy on Okabe so he doesn't screw something up. Eventually, Okabe goes to wait for Ruka on a bridge, and after meeting her there, they head off. While walking down the street, Okabe keeps on playing various scenarios and how to react to them in his head, leading to some awkward but well-intentioned moments, to Kurisu's frustration.

It turned out well enough in the end, and Daru and Kurisu wrote the D-mail to Ruka's mother, undoing the change.

August 15, 2010

The lab members sit around, with Daru typing up things, Mayuri questioning how she should cook ramen, and Okabe and Kurisu sitting tensely by themselves. Mayuri invites Kurisu to a comic book convention, at which point Okabe solemnly recites all of Mayuri's plans, prompting Kurisu to take him to the roof. Okabe tells Kurisu there that, even though Mayuri has yet to die, he knows she will die eventually, and can do nothing but wait, and proceeds to re-tell her about everything at the park. He then notes that every D-mail undone pushes Mayuri's death back a day, and he plans to witness the death in order to make sure how much he needs to do to change the world line. He plans to undo Moeka's next, but he has to do it from her phone. Kurisu tells him to find Moeka while she tracks Mayuri, and tells him that no matter how many world lines he jumps, she'll always help him.

As Okabe prepares for another time leap, he hears from Kurisu at 7:52 PM that Mayuri died.

Okabe time leaps...

August 10, 2010

...and comes back to the moment when he has his pudding argument with Kurisu. He proceeds to call her by name, and tells her they have to save Moeka's life.

Okabe calls Kurisu and has her fire the microwave up, but when the D-mail is sent Okabe quickly realizes that he is still on the same world line as before. They discovered that Moeka's D-mail isn't about getting a new phone. It was to steal the IBN 5100 from the shrine. He and Kurisu send the D-mail that will undo it, but it doesn't work again.

August 12, 2010

Okabe is frustrated about not being able to retrieve the IBN 5100 from a coin locker and rummages for a crowbar. Kurisu makes him explain what's going on, but after he finishes Kurisu says that, because none of the other world lines he re-arranged got him to the IBN 5100, he might only have to undo all of the D-mails before he can get to it, without taking shortcuts. Just as Okabe is about to concede, Kurisu also mentions that the IBN has to be in the coin locker for a reason: so that FB can come and pick it up, meaning that if Okabe sits outside the locker room and waits, he can see FB.

The next day Mr. Braun gives the IBN to a man in a van, who takes it onto a plane bound for France, meaning he is taking it to SERN. Kurisu then makes Okabe and Moeka come to a bridge, and she shouts at Okabe for making Mayuri sad the night before.

After Mr. Braun's suicide and at Kurisu's persuasion, Okabe prepares a D-mail from Mr. Braun's phone telling Moeka to stop pursuing the IBN 5100 at all, and sends it.

August 13, 2010

Okabe time-leaped again and explains the situation to Daru and Kurisu, including Suzuha's lineage and Mayuri's fate, after getting the IBN 5100 again. He then tells Daru to hack into SERN and delete all of the data that flagged them in the first place. While he does so, Daru suggests that he become another time-traveling radio personality like Suzuha's John Titor, which Okabe and Kurisu find tempting. Okabe then comments to Kurisu that she did a great job on making the phone wave, and Kurisu initially says "Aww", but quickly goes "tsundere" (as Daru puts it). Okabe then mutters something about him and Kurisu, but takes it back. As Daru makes the final preparations on the hacking, Kurisu asks Okabe what the very first D-mail was. This causes Okabe to suddenly freak out silently, as he remembers that the first D-mail prevented Kurisu's death, and that if they were to continue with the undoing, Mayuri would be alive and SERN would be destroyed, but in the process, Kurisu will die.

Later, Kurisu receives a call from Okabe and asks if they have made any "progress". This prompts her to ask what is going on. Okabe tells her he plans to save Mayuri with the already-erased D-mails without going to another world line, but refuses to say why, only saying there are unforeseen developments. Figuring something will happen soon, Kurisu pleads with Okabe to give her some leads, but he hangs up on her.

Kurisu leaves a note for Okabe saying that they need to talk, but ignoring it Okabe uses the phone wave again.

August 13, 2010

Okabe transports himself back to when Daru is commencing the hacking. This time, Kurisu and Daru see Okabe's downtrodden face and proceed to not go through with it.

August 15, 2010

Okabe lies flat on his back again, staring up at the sky. This time Kurisu comes up, admitting that she's worried about Okabe after he said he wanted to be left alone. Okabe, still avoiding the subject, says he's only being a law-abiding citizen. Kurisu mocks this since evil geniuses don't typically accept such things, but this causes Okabe to breakdown, saying that he's no evil genius and that Hououin Kyoma is a piece of child's play. Surprised, Kurisu realizes that he time-leaped again, and asks what happened, arguing that they are a good team. But Okabe says that, even after making Faris, Ruka, and Moeka undo their D-mails, they still haven't made any progress, and deciding he's had enough, Okabe proceeds to take his phone and prepare to throw it off the building. Kurisu manages to catch his arm before he can, nearly hugging him in the process, and offers to lend him a hand. Okabe then finally tells Kurisu about the D-mail, and after he finishes Mayuri calls him. She asks him if he is doing okay after Daru mentioned Okabe's crying to her. He says he's okay, and after a brief talk about ninjas. After Mayuri hangs up, Kurisu tells Okabe to go find her, since moping over herself pisses her off.

That night, Kurisu comes to Radio Kaikan building where Suzuha's time machine had crashed, and within the darkness she found the room where she was stabbed in another worldline.

Kurisu now sprawls herself on the roof the same way Okabe did, albeit on the radio building roof. Okabe finds her there, and they briefly mention Mayuri when Kurisu tries to say something else, only to stop herself. Then there was a downpour, causing them to both get soaking wet.

They went inside the building, where Okabe stared at Kurisu, her clothes translucent from the rain. They quickly begin arguing about it when Kurisu notes that Okabe has torn his lab coat on the shoulder. As she has a sewing kit, Kurisu offers to stitch it. Since it was dark there she was unsure the color of thread she used, either black, red, or pink. As Okabe reluctantly has her do so, Kurisu asks where he tore it. Okabe doesn't know, but does retrace his steps, revealing that, since Kurisu didn't answer her phone or anything, he became worried and went around the city, including her hotel room, looking for her; this delights Kurisu. She then tosses the lab coat onto Okabe, saying that no one wants to see a mad scientist with pudding for a brain; of course, Okabe puts the coat on, and discovers to his chagrin that Kurisu used the pink thread. Kurisu then stands up and asks if she dies in the building. Okabe, shocked, asks if she remembers her death. Instead, Kurisu says that she only has partial memories of it all, and it's like she's having a hazy out-of-body experience. She then says she also remembers Okabe constantly chasing after Mayuri, constantly suffering because she is irreplaceable. Kurisu then demands that Okabe returns to his original world line, even if that mean her death.

Okabe refuses, and heads back to the lab, determined to find a way to save both of them. When he gets there, he prepares to time leap again, but Kurisu catches up to him and stops him before he can, telling him that she wants the D-mail to be erased. Okabe grunts to himself, and Kurisu continues that time leaping won't break the 1% barrier, and that watching Mayuri die too often will eventually shatter him. Okabe says that isn't the case, because he has already Mayuri die dozens of times. This prompts Kurisu to slap him and say that, if Mayuri dying doesn't harm him anymore, then his heart is already broken. Okabe concedes that she may be right, since Mayuri dying has become numb to him, so he might as well just let it go. Kurisu argues that, if he just lets her go after working so hard, he will break even further. Okabe continues to argue what will happen, but Kurisu says that this is for the best.

Overwhelmed, Okabe hugs Kurisu. In his head, he finally realizes that, out of all the people he knew, Kurisu was the one who, despite constantly bickering with him, always shared problems with him and believed in him, her theories are always fantastic, he remembers every single word she has said, and the reason why he never calls her by her name in normal situation is because he was embarassed to do so, but he never told her what he truly felt. Kurisu shrugs at the thought of someone wanting her around so much. Okabe, however, goes over to the window and questions why it had to be her. Kurisu tries to cheer him up, telling him that, in the end, there are infinite universes, many with their own version of her. And having been in many of those universes, Okabe can formulate Kurisu from the dozens of Kurisus he met, and to that end, she won't truly die as long as he remembers her.

After some time, Okabe says that he could never forget about her, the person he cares for more than anyone, even if he tried, and proceeds to confess love to her, much to her surprise. He then asks Kurisu what her opinion is, at least that very moment. In response, Kurisu tells him to close his eyes, and after he does, Kurisu pulls him slightly downwards and kisses him.

After a long period of time, Kurisu breaks the kiss and quickly tries to ride it off by saying that she only did it under the assumption that it was his first kiss and therefore would remember it better since it's stored in the hippocampus.

Okabe promptly says that that wasn't his first kiss, but that the first one wasn't romantic (implying that time he had to kiss Moeka, although Kyoka no Dejà Vu changed that).

To that end and to avoid the hippocampus forgetting the kiss, he asks for another kiss.

They locked their lips together passionately.

As they do, Kurisu thinks to herself that time is flying by. She hypothesizes that whether time is fast or slow depends on perception, and that Einstein's theory of relativity must be true, as well as both romantic and tragic.

But in the end, Okabe doesn't know how she feels about him.

The next day, Kurisu prepares to head back to America. Okabe sees her off at the train station, and gives her his Future Gadget #2 Bamboo-copter camera as a memento, even though she doesn't want it. As she prepares to leave, Kurisu throws him a soda bottle; it ends up going over his head, forcing him to go get it. As Okabe reaches down to pick it up, Kurisu mouths something to him, but when Okabe looks back at her, she has already left. Kurisu, while waiting for the train, thinks to herself that Okabe will have it rough since, out of all the lab members, only he will remember her, and he will have to shoulder that burden alone. She then concedes that he cares about people more than he lets on, and that she wants him to remember her every once in a while, even if he kisses someone. She then begins repeating Okabe's name over and over again in her head.

Okabe returns to the lab, where Daru hacks back into SERN and finds the first D-mail. As they prepare to delete it, Okabe clutches his head. Mayuri asks him if he is okay, and Okabe quickly goes into another rant, saying that he has finally defeated the Organization and thanks them all for working so hard to strive for victory, but begins to tense up when thinking of the blood that had to be shed. Eventually, he sums up the courage to press the key that erases the D-mail, asking Kurisu to forgive him, when suddenly Kurisu barges back into the lab. Panting, she looks at Okabe and confesses his love for him, but then the World lines shifted.


Okabe finds himself in the position he was in after introducing his lab members. After confirming that Dr. Nakabachi's press conference is accomplished, he asks Mayuri about LabMem #004, and learns that no one remembers Kurisu. Going into hysterics, Okabe claims he has finally triumphed and that he can look to the future. However, Mayuri reveals that she is alright now, and tells Okabe that he can cry if he wants. Afterwards, Okabe ships away all of his lab equipment to avoid any more risks, and asks Kurisu if this is for the best.


August 31, 2010

Suzuha asks "Uncle" Okabe to help her go back in time again and prevent World War III. However, Okabe refuses, having become accustomed to a life without time leaping, and noting that Kurisu is already dead. Suzuha then tells Okabe to prevent the World War III is to save Kurisu from dying, and that by doing so, they will go to another world line known as Steins Gate. Okabe doesn't believe it, even though Suzuha says that he is the very person who conceived the theory, and that even with the slim chances it's worth the risk. Okabe hesitates, but after Mayuri and Daru tell him to go, he decides to do so Kurisu may live.

As Okabe and Suzuha arrives, Okabe nearly throws up. Suzuha breaks the door open with a silenced pistol, with the plan being for Okabe to save Kurisu and watch out for Dr. Nakabachi while Suzuha prepares a return trip; however, Okabe must not run into his past self. Okabe walks into the building when he notices Past Okabe heading for the roof, having heard the time machine. He follows Past Okabe and Past Mayuri to the Oopa vending machine, then makes a break for the eighth floor. However, he ends up running into Past Kurisu, and nearly suffers from a mental breakdown. He reaches out to touch Kurisu, who claims that she doesn't know him, causing her to drop her envelope she brought on the ground in defense. An intercom then announces that Dr. Nakabachi's press conference is beginning, and Okabe quickly rushes over there. He then begins following Kurisu to the press conference (the other encounter proving why Kurisu thought she met Okabe 15 minutes earlier), having been tasked to not alter Kurisu's path by Suzuha or risk making the world line worse.

Afterwards, Okabe heads into the closet where Kurisu dies, and has to hide among the boxes to avoid Kurisu noticing him when she comes. Okabe also sees that her envelope contains papers about time machines, and wonders if that is why she was killed. Just then, a man comes up to Kurisu and harshly asks her why she is there. Kurisu gives him the papers, calling him dad. Her dad is then revealed to be Dr. Nakabachi, who begins reading the papers, leading Okabe to realize that Nakabachi is the one that kills her. Kurisu's papers are revealed to be a time machine theory, and Nakabachi is shown to have left some Academic group to do his own work and destroy their empire. After going over the papers, Nakabachi decides that the paper isn't bad, but refuses to publish it under his and Kurisu's name as she requested and instead decides to publish the paper for himself. Kurisu protests by saying that that's stealing, provoking Nakabachi to slam her on the floor and claim that she is the thief because, in his mind, she is destroying his ability to become a world-famous scientist. Okabe jumps out from his hiding place and knees Nakabachi in the face, and recognizing him comes to the conclusion that Okabe is working with Kurisu to destroy his reputation. Hysterically, he proceeds to take out a switchblade and slash at Okabe, but Okabe throws him against a wall, causing him to drop the knife. Okabe goes for the knife, and Kurisu tries to get Nakabachi to stop, but he takes a screwdriver and begins threatening her with it. Okabe, getting the knife, tries to stab Nakabachi, but at that moment Kurisu manages to push Nakabachi aside, and in the process, Okabe stabs Kurisu, revealing himself as the true murderer. As Kurisu collapses in Okabe's arms, an unregretful Nakabachi proceeds to leave with the paper. Kurisu then dies, leaving Okabe in a state of trauma and screams loudly like what Past Okabe has heard.

August 21st, 2010: 5:56 PM

Okabe and Suzuha return from the past, where Okabe collapses on the ground in shock. His clothes are covered in Kurisu's blood.

Okabe refuses, believing that he can't break the 1% barrier and save Kurisu, just like how it was with Mayuri. He then prepares to limp away, but Mayuri suddenly slaps him, saying that he can't just give up because that is not who he is.

Suzuha then tells Okabe to open a video file he received on July 28th. Though the file was not viewable at the time it arrived, she said Okabe has to fail saving Kurisu once to be able to view that video. Okabe opens the glitchy file and sees his future self from the year 2025 sitting in a chair. Future Okabe says that Okabe experiencing Kurisu's death is necessary, because it links him with the Future Okabe that creates this video, and thus with the link established, Okabe able to see this video. He then explains how to change the future and reach Steins Gate. He gives Okabe two instructions: destroy the time travel paper and save Kurisu. Okabe hesitates in the part about saving Kurisu. But at the same time Future Okabe mentions the same thing. Future Okabe then says that there is a way to save Kurisu, and Okabe just doing it in the wrong approach. For one thing, he has to keep all things consistent with how Past Okabe saw Kurisu die, as if they change everything will go away. Okabe must not undo the cause of all his three weeks experience adrift in another attractor field worldline. Because of that experience, here Okabe, and also the Future Okabe, has the will to save Kurisu. To that end, he has to somehow change Past Okabe's perception so that he thinks Kurisu is dead when in actuality she is still alive. 

He eventually finds the object, a glowstick lightsaber, with which he intends to use its liquid as a substitute for Kurisu's blood. Everyone else says that that plan might be too simple compared to what Future Okabe said, but Okabe says that that is just perfect, scaring everyone. Mayuri then asks Okabe if Kurisu used to sit in his chair frequently, and seems to remember Kurisu's time at the lab. Suzuha initially thinks that this is because Mayuri has a Reading Steiner, so Okabe explains that, if given the right push, everyone can have their memories shifted into another world line, so it makes sense that Mayuri has memories of Kurisu. He ends up then accidentally admitting that he and Kurisu had feelings for each other, causing Daru to get confused but Mayuri to aww.

Okabe and Suzuha arrive in the past, where Okabe gives Suzuha instructions to use the glowstick. Okabe then heads to the seventh floor, where he decides to get the metal Oopa so that Nakabachi's paper will get burned in the fire. He manages to succeed, and Past Mayuri gets a green Oopa instead. He then heads for the fourth floor, where he has to imitate the first version of himself to go in the time machine in order to not alter Kurisu's memory; however, he ends up muttering that he is there to save her life instead of getting interrupted, much to Okabe's awkwardness. He then sees Kurisu pick up the green Oopa, showing that Nakabachi stole it from Kurisu also. Okabe then goes back to the closet where Kurisu dies, and is shown to hold a taser, hoping to knock her unconscious after doing away with Nakabachi so that Past Okabe gets fooled again. However, as he gets the lightsaber ready, he discovers to his horror that the fluid has dried up just as Nakabachi appears. He quickly tries to think of a substitute, then looks at his own hand.

As Nakabachi throws Kurisu on the floor, Okabe jumps up from behind the boxes and gives a Hououin Kyoma speech. Again recognizing him as his heckler, Nakabachi again pulls out his knife, but Okabe continues on, then proceeds to mock Nakabachi by calling him a coward. Enraged, Nakabachi proceeds to stab Okabe in the stomach, causing the needed blood to leak out. Okabe then manages to kick Nakabachi on the ground, and from there take the knife out of his stomach. He begins threatening Nakabachi with the knife, prompting him to flee with the paper when Okabe's blood drips on his nose. Kurisu tries calling an ambulance, but Okabe takes out the taser, again saying he came there to save her, and knocks her out. Okabe then reaches into his stomach, thinking about all his adventures while doing so, and proceeds to pull out a sufficient amount of blood before getting Kurisu's body in the right position. Suzuha then manages to get to Okabe and carry him out. However, Okabe asks Suzuha to stay and watch behind a corner with him, to make sure Past Okabe gets to Kurisu. Seeing that he does, Okabe bids the best of luck to Past Okabe, as the next three weeks will be the hardest of his life.

Okabe is shown standing on the sidewalk, wondering what Kurisu is doing now back in America. He admits he has come to terms with the fact that Kurisu probably has no more memories of their time in the other world lines, and hopes she has made peace with her father. He then admits it took a while to cope, but he figures that, as long as she's alive and SERN is gone, everyone benefits. He then begins walking down the street in front of the now-intact science building, and has he does, he manages to pass by Kurisu, who has been spending her entire time looking for Okabe in order to thank him for saving her life. As they stop to talk, Okabe takes out his phone and begins talking to himself again, but encrypts a message saying that he wants to stay by Kurisu while ending the "call" with "El Psy Congroo". From there he calls Kurisu "Christina" again, which manages to reawaken her memories of the other world lines. He then welcomes her back and holds out a lab pin for her, reaffirming their love. Okabe then thinks to himself that spacetime is infinite, and will always try to do the right thing as their reunion shows - and that is the true choice of Steins;Gate...

OVA: Egoistic Poriomania

Okabe and Mayuri are in the lab when Daru comes in wearing a Luffy Hat and a Hawaiian shirt. Okabe nearly thinks he wants to join the Yakuza or a safari, but instead is reminded that the three of them, along with Ruka, have been invited by Faris to watch her in a Rai-Net competition in Los Angeles, and Daru is only dressing for the occasion. Mayuri then gets a text from Kurisu, saying that she will be able to visit them, but also says that they only should bring Okabe if they have to.

October 14, 2010

The four briefly visit Mr. Braun, Nae, and Moeka. Nae asks for a gift, and when Mayuri asks if Moeka wants one, she rapidly sends Okabe a text telling him not to get any macadamia nuts (which are actually native to Australia) and then, blushing, asks verbally for some chocolate. Kurisu is then seen watching their plane, and when the group gets to check in, the passport official asks for reason of visit. Not getting the question, Okabe declares himself a mad scientist, but this causes the police to deem him mental and promptly handcuff him and take him away. After he manages to get out, Okabe goes to the entrance where he finds Kurisu. Speechless at seeing her again, Okabe forgets to say hello, then rides it off by saying he thought she was a spy after getting reminded. This causes Kurisu to briefly mention Leroy Jenkins. She then tells everyone to get in the car, but after Okabe asks for a taxi instead, Kurisu drives off. This forces Okabe to actually get a taxi, although he tries to make Kurisu sympathize by making it look like he ran the whole way, only for her to catch on. Faris then arrives and questions Okabe on why he cancelled the hotel reservation she made for them, and he goes on a rant over how the Organization' Seven Philosophers might find their location, to which she plays along. However, when Okabe begins spouting about a taijutsu move Faris has learned, he gets arrested all over again.

Okabe, Mayuri, and Daru then come to Kurisu's apartment, where they quickly begin making themselves at home in all the ways Kurisu does not want them to. Later, Okabe starts watching the weather, and asks how life has been for Kurisu. He learns that Kurisu has decided to leave the discoveries on time travel and details on the other world lines to him, then that she claims she has no memories of the other world lines beyond the Steins Gate one; however, when Okabe asks if she has any more "substantial" memories, she blushes and tries to ride it off. After that, Kurisu manages to get the four a motel reservation, but discover the place to be extremely ragged. Okabe and Ruka promptly refuse, afraid that Norman Bates from the movie Psycho will commit a shower scene on them, but Kurisu says she has no choice. They then begin making arrangements for bunking, but things get jumbled (with Kurisu even thinking that Mayuri has slept with Okabe before, and then with Ruka getting his feelings for Okabe mixed up again), and in the end, Okabe is forced to sleep in the same bed with Daru, Mayuri is with Ruka (which Daru finds "yuri-licious") and Kurisu is by herself. As Okabe and Daru eventually get on each other's nerves, they do Rock Paper Scissors to see who should sleep in the car. Okabe loses, but when he leaves the room he finds Kurisu outside. After a few awkward moments of silence, Okabe glances at Kurisu and starts to head for the car, when Kurisu asks him to come inside to discuss something.

After Kurisu gives him a diet soda, Okabe asks if she wants him to look over her work. Instead, Kurisu asks about the other world lines, as like with Mayuri, she is starting to experience memory dreams, apparently having not awakened all of the memories. Okabe says that they are from other world lines, and Kurisu asks about one particular dream. Okabe offers to help her with it, but because the memory is the one of them kissing, Kurisu becomes flustered and throws a soda can at him, knocking him out. This ends up partially waking up Mayuri, who comments on the relationship before passing out again.

October 15th, 2010: 11:16 AM

At Staples Center the next day, Faris manages to score big at the Rai-Net tournament while Daru cheers her on, and Mayuri manages to get Ruka in female cosplay again, to his embarrassment. Outside in the cafe, Okabe sits at a table when the waitress - Kurisu - reluctantly brings him his food, having been forced to become one temporarily to pay for their airfare. This results in another argument, during which Okabe says he's glad that Kurisu seems to have improved from last night, and then says that the memories from those world lines are best left untouched. Kurisu leaves after saying that none of the events from the other world lines are real, but appears to have a sullen face.

Okabe goes outside to have another soda, when he sees a young girl get into a car, and quickly sees that she resembles Suzuha in both her looks and voice. Thinking it's actually her, he follows her in a taxi (driven by the badge salesman), wondering if there is actually time travel in this world line. This horrifies the group, as he leaves no message behind and even leaves his meal untouched, prompting Kurisu to look for him.

Later, Okabe mentions regretting that he never told Kurisu about their previous romance, only for Kurisu to find him right then and there in the middle of a deserted highway. After initially thinking it's a mirage, he discovers that Kurisu was worried about him, and left in such a hurry that she didn't fill up the gas tank, leaving the car out of gas and both of them trapped in the desert. Okabe explains why he came out there, which leaves Kurisu a bit relieved because she thought he left out of disgust with her comment about how none of the other events happened to her. She then begins questioning about her dream memories, and asks why the one she didn't talk about feels more real than her actual memories. Okabe, deducing what it was, says it was real, then proceeds to confess his love again and ask how she feels. Unlike her counterpart, Kurisu says that she doesn't know what she feels about Okabe because she has no Reading Steiner. Okabe decides to elaborate by saying that, while the alternate world lines are real for him and she was always his constant, he just wants to know what she feels in the current world line. And standing up, Kurisu asks Okabe to close his eyes as with the other world line, finally completing the choice of Steins;Gate...     


  • Like many other anime girls (and some guys), Kurisu entered Saimoe Contests.
  • On September 25th 2014, Kurisu Makise won the AnimeBracket - Best Girl Contest, with 6620 votes. She topped the Aquamarine 1 stage of the International Saimoe contest. [1] [2]
  • Kurisu, while being a proper Japanese name, is also the Japanese pronunciation of the western name Chris. This is likely the origin of her nickname Christina.
  • Kurisu has two separate endings associated with her. While both focus on her relationship with Rintarou, only one of them will lead to the true outcome of the game. (Both Mayuri and Kurisu saved)
  • Okabe gives Kurisu several nicknames over the course of Steins;Gate, only calling her by her real name in serious situations. Kurisu's most frequent nicknames are "Assistant" or "Christina" (by adding '-tina' to 'Kurisu'), but Okabe also calls her "The Zombie", "Money Bags", "@Channeler", "Mongolian Spot", "Experiment Loving Girl", "Perverted Genius Girl", "Cold-Blooded Perverted Girl Genius", "Experiment Loving Perverted Genius Girl", "Celeb Seventeen" (sometimes shortened to "Celeb Sev"), "Celeb Thirty". Even though Kurisu seems to hate being nicknamed, she thinks it is hopeless to point that out to Okabe.
  • Kurisu is known by lab members and Okabe especially as the source of evil, even worse, the terror in the kitchen, as they despise Kurisu's many-a-times questionable cooking skills and taste palate. Okabe once stated that the lab will fall into the pits of Hell if Kurisu ever cooks, even when Mayuri is helping her and Luka once complained that Kurisu's apple pie tasted like death. She even tasted Okabe's gel-nana without any hesitation, even when Okarin and Daru warned her.
  • In the light novels and drama CDs, Kurisu is shown to be upset about her small bust size, to the point where she will angrily yell at people if they even allude to it. That is likely also a reference to his voice actress, Asami Imai's real-life gag.
  • In the anime Robotics;Notes during episode 15, Kurisu's @channel handle "KURI_KAME KuriGohan and Kamehameha" is seen posting on "Twipo" on December 20th, 2019 at 10:05 am about the differences between and limitations of 2D and 3D.
  • Lab Member 004. She joined at episode 3 in the anime. She is recruited by Okabe due to her curiosity of Gel-nanas, the Phone Microwave (name subject to change) and her intelligence is certainly a great asset to the Future Gadget Laboratory's cause.
  • Kurisu is also a secret playable character in (Phantom Breaker EXTRA), In order to unlock her you have to get 15+ stars in battle situation mode using Ende.
  • Her handle name KuriGohan and Kamehameha could be based off Dragon Ball Z, particularly the characters Kuririn and Gohan and the energy wave technique Kamehameha.
  • Regarding the 'What I wanted the most now is my fork', it was supposed to be a birthday gift from her dad, Shouichi Makise back when she was 7 years old. However the gift was not delivered due to an argument between the two and was kept in hold by Shouichi's good friend, Akiha Yukitaka.The gift will then be delivered to Kurisu before she time leaped to convince Okabe to not give up on Mayuri and seek help from her (the first time she tells Okabe that she knows that he time leaped). This can be found in Kurisu's Story in Steins;Gate Linear Bounded Phenogram (Visual Novel).
  • In the story "Aishin Meizu no Babel" / "Babel of the Grieved Maze" (Drama CD Alpha / Manga), Kurisu learned her father's past from a cassette tape Faris made her listen to, it is about the research her father kept on researching, time travel. This cassette tape belongs to Faris's father, Akiha Yukitaka. Later on after she left Okabe in front of the train station, Faris caught up with her and made her listen to the other side of the cassette tape she listened before. It contains her father's message, about what he feel when both his professor and close friends died in year 2000, and his apologizing for getting mad over Kurisu and left her, and about the gift he kept in Akiha's place, "My Fork". Faris brought that gift with her and give it to Kurisu after she listened the cassette tape.

    MAGES in Kurisu's costume

  • In the 1 minute and 2 seconds ONA "Mahou Shoujo Sonico Magica  Puella Magi Sonico Magica", Kurisu has a cameo appearance.
  • There are a lot of similarities referencing Steins;Gate in all of the works 5pb, Nitroplus and MAGES. create. In Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1, the character MAGES. can wear outfits of Faris, Mayuri, Kurisu (etc.) The main character Neptune also shares Kurisu's love for pudding.
  • In another time traveling related anime, July 28th is the day the world ends. Kurisu died on July 28th. This may have foreshadowed that her death will result in the end of the world.
  • Mayuri is so innocent and honest, Kurisu once thought that Mayuri was kidnapped by Okabe.
  • According to Okabe, Kurisu's lips are warm and possess a faint smell of lemon
  • Kurisu drank a can of alcoholic beer once, and was drunk before she could finish it, causing Okabe heaps of trouble. During the time she was drunk, she pushed Okabe downstairs and asked him to hug her and spend some quality time together. Okabe however, was too shy to even reply. Kurisu then hugs him even tighter and both of them fell down a flock of stairs, giving both of them a headache.→
  • Though hesitant to confess her feelings for Okabe, she does, in fact, love him. This has been shown many times throughout the series and most noticeably when she was drunk.
  • Her emotions can change rapidly whenever Okabe's around


  • "I don't want to deny who I've been. Because even my failures are a part of who I am today" -Kurisu to Okabe
  • "Something must be wrong for you to use my actual name." -Kurisu to Okabe
  • "I am a scientist, I have to act on my own theory. I can't let my emotions get in the way. But it's impossible to forget everything... because I've known you for longer than we've lived. This is reality. This is the world. This is..."
  • "People's feelings are memories that transcend time."
  • "Say it right, Hououin Pervert-Kyouma!" -Kurisu to Okabe.
  • "Who'll eat a pervert's banana anyway?" -Kurisu to Okabe.
  • "It looks like you're both perverts." -Kurisu to Okabe & Itaru
  • (After kissing Okabe) "There was a scientific rationale for that! Because... important memories, including, but not limited to, one's first kiss, are stored in the hippocampus, which makes them harder to forget."
  • (After kissing Okabe twice)“Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad."
  • "I've only lived 18 years, but I don't want to change any of them. They're all part of my life, even the failures."
  • (To Okabe, at Mayuri's grave) "You've pretty much figured it all out by now, right? That there is no absolute justice in this world. The opposite of justice is... another justice. Choosing the past through Time Leaps is just choosing between these justices. Can you say that your justice is correct?"[3]
  • 99.9% of science is boring." — Kurisu's response to Rintarou's lack of interest to proceed with mundane tasks with the Phone Microwave
