Steins;Gate Wiki

Shijou Saikyou no Slight Fever (史上最強のスライトフィーバー Shijō Saikyō no Suraito Fībā?) is a spin-off manga series based on the Steins;Gate visual novels, with events happening from the perspective of Kurisu Makise.

As of now 1 Volume has been released in Japan, with regular chapters being released in Comptiq Magazine, as well as Shonen Ace Magazine. The series has since been on hiatus.

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The plot remains very much the same as the original Steins;Gate story, though it branches off and shows some events that we didn't originally see happening. As well as that, we get to see Kurisu's inner thoughts about situations and events along with glimpses at her past and her feelings about her father.

List of Chapters[]

Shijou Saikyou no Slight Fever Volume 1
Release date
June 24, 2011
  • "Episode 1: Genius Girl" (第1話 天才少女 Dai 1 Wa Tensai Shōjo?)
  • "Episode 2: Electrical Discharge" (第2話放電現象 Dai 2 Wa Hōden Genshō?)
  • "Epiosde 3: Muffled Phone" (第3話 鳴らない携帯 Dai 3 Wa Naranai Keitai?)
  • "Episode 4: Hacking 1" (第4話 ハッキング1 Dai 4 Wa Hakkingu 1?)
  • "Episode 5: Hacking 2" (第5話 ハッキング2 Dai 5 Wa Hakkingu 2?)
  • "Episode 6: SERN" (第6話SERN Dai 6 Wa SERN?)

Shijou Saikyou no Slight Fever Volume 2
Release date
September 22, 2012
  • "Episode 7: Part-time Warrior" (第7話 バイト戦士 Dai 7 Wa Baito Senshi?)
  • "Epiosde 8: Yume" (第8話 夢 Dai 8 Wa Yume?)
  • "Episode 9: Senkou no Shiatsuhi" (第9話 閃光の指圧師 Dai 9 Wa Senkō no Shiatsushi?)
  • "Episode 10: Lotto 6" (第10話 ロト 6 Dai 19 Wa Roto 6?)
  • "Episode 11: Lukako no Moushide" (第11話 ルカ子の申し出 Dai 11 Wa Rukako no Mōshide?)
  • "Episode 12: Maid Cafe" (第12話 メイド喫茶 Dai 12 Wa Meido Kissa?)
  • "Episode 13: Hoshikuzu to no Akushu" (第13話 星屑との握手 Dai 13 Wa Hoshikuzu to no Akushu?)
  • "Episode 14: Muffled Phone 2" (第14話 鳴らない携帯2 Dai 14 Wa Naranai Keitai 2?)


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]





Steins;Gate Steins;GateSteins;Gate: Rebellion of the Missing RingSekaisen Hendouritsu X. 091015%Steins;Gate: Braunian Motion of Love and HateSteins;Gate: History's Strongest Slight FeverSteins;Gate: DROPSSteins;Gate: My +Nyan² Crisis's EmbraceSteins;Gate: My Sweets Honey's EmbraceSteins;Gate: My Future Honey's EmbraceSteins;Gate: Stardust DupletSteins;Gate: Babel of the Grieved MazeSteins;Gate: Arc Light of the Point at InfinitySteins;Gate: Variant Space OctetSteins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà VuSteins;Gate: Epigraph of the Closed CurveSteins;Gate: Pandora of Eternal ReturnSteins;Gate 0
Science Adventure Series Chaos;Head mangasRobotics;Notes mangasChaos;Child mangasOccultic;Nine (manga)