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Steins;Gate: Rebellion of the Missing Ring (Steins;Gate 亡環のリベリオン Steins;Gate Bōkan no Riberion?) is a Steins;Gate spin-off manga focusing on Suzuha Amane's experiences of the 0.000000%, 0.337187%, and 0.409431% world lines. It introduces new antagonists such as Kayano and reveals new information about the resistance group Valkyrie and SERN on the Alpha Attractor Field.



The Valkyrie resistance bursts into the room where Rintaro Okabe is being held prisoner by Nae Tennouji. Nae escapes and Valkyrie cannot get to her.

They manage to get Okabe out, and Itaru Hashida rushes to Okabe. The Valkyrie tell Hashida that by the time that they found Okabe he was already dead. Hashida starts to cry, and scream, telling Okabe (even though he was dead) that 'There's no way I can make a time machine alone!, There's no way I can change the future like this!'.

Then Itaru Hashida notices his lab member badge, and his screams stop, but his tears stay. He gazes at it, thinking that if something happened to Suzuha Amane or Yuki Amane (his wife), he could never forgive himself. He then passes on his lab member badge to a young Suzuha.

He then takes a lab coat, and mimics Rintaro Okabe's mad scientist impression, trying to make himself get enough courage to change the world.

List of Chapters[]

Rebellion of the Missing Ring Volume 1
Release date
August 10, 2010
  • "Chapter 1: Anfang" (第1章: Anfang Dai 1-shō: Anfang?)
  • "Chapter 2: Abschied" (第2章: Abschied Dai 2-shō: Abschied?)
  • "Chapter 3: Kamerad" (第3章: Kamerad Dai 3-shō: Kamerad?)
  • "Chapter 4: Wiedersehen" (第4章: Wiedersehen Dai 4-shō: Wiedersehen?)
  • "Chapter 5: Suche" (第5章: Suche Dai 5-shō: Suche?)
  • "Chapter 6: Versprechen" (第6章: Versprechen Dai 6-shō: Versprechen?)

Rebellion of the Missing Ring Volume 2
Release date
April 9, 2011
  • "Chapter 7: Träne" (第7章: Träne Dai 7-shō: Träne?)
  • "Chapter 8: Lust" (第8章: Lust Dai 8-shō: Lust?)
  • "Chapter 9: Klagen" (第9章: Klagen Dai 9-shō: Klagen?)
  • "Chapter 10: Freundschaft" (第10章: Freundschaft Dai 10-shō: Freundschaft?)
  • "Chapter 11: Stolz" (第11章: Stolz Dai 11-shō: Stolz?)
  • "Chapter 12: Ein Unfall" (第12章: Ein Unfall Dai 12-shō: Ein Unfall?)
  • "Digital Bonus" (電子版オマケ Denshiban Omake?) (digital release only)

Rebellion of the Missing Ring Volume 3
Release date
October 8, 2011
  • "Chapter 13: Alptraum" (第13章: Alptraum Dai 1-shō: Alptraum?)
  • "Chapter 14: Utopie" (第14章: Utopie Dai 1-shō: Utopie?)
  • "Chapter 15: Vater" (第15章: Vater Dai 1-shō: Vater?)
  • "Chapter 16: Misserfolg" (第16章: Misserfolg Dai 1-shō: Misserfolg?)
  • "Chapter 17: Bande" (第17章: Bande Dai 1-shō:Bande?)
  • "Final Chapter: Schicksal" (第終章: Schicksal Sai Shushō: Schicksal?)


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]




Steins;Gate Steins;GateSteins;Gate: Rebellion of the Missing RingSekaisen Hendouritsu X. 091015%Steins;Gate: Braunian Motion of Love and HateSteins;Gate: History's Strongest Slight FeverSteins;Gate: DROPSSteins;Gate: My +Nyan² Crisis's EmbraceSteins;Gate: My Sweets Honey's EmbraceSteins;Gate: My Future Honey's EmbraceSteins;Gate: Stardust DupletSteins;Gate: Babel of the Grieved MazeSteins;Gate: Arc Light of the Point at InfinitySteins;Gate: Variant Space OctetSteins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà VuSteins;Gate: Epigraph of the Closed CurveSteins;Gate: Pandora of Eternal ReturnSteins;Gate 0
Science Adventure Series Chaos;Head mangasRobotics;Notes mangasChaos;Child mangasOccultic;Nine (manga)